LAGOS, Nigeria, 22 January 2024 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/- Nigerian Women in Public Relations, a social impact organisation has announced the theme for the 2024 edition of its Experiencing Public
Relations Conference, scheduled for March 20, 2024.
In its third edition, the 2024 conference is themed Quiet Wars: Leveraging Public Relations for Conflict Management. The Conference, designed for senior public office holders, experienced business professionals, as well as public relations and communication experts, is expected to host 1,000+ virtual delegates from 10+ countries and 500 in-person delegates in Lagos, Nigeria.
According to a statement from the organisation, the theme was crafted to underscore the impact of the wars between nations in the Middle East and Europe, African countries now navigating the changes that come with military intervention in government via coups, democratic transitions through elections as well as changes in organisation and team leaderships.
Speaking on this announcement, Public Relations Consultant and Founder of Nigerian Women in PR, Tolulope Olorundero emphasised the relevance and timeliness of the theme in today’s global landscape. Tolulope stated that “Wars will end on the table of dialogue; coups will give way to elections as leaders come together to negotiate and agree. Internal dissent as teams, departments, organisations and agencies experience a change in leadership at various levels will be drastically reduced, as leaders and executives adopt a transparent communication approach.”
The Experiencing Public Relations conference is a carefully curated business conference where public relations strategies are discussed from the perspective of both the clients and practitioners. The 2024 edition will feature a business panel where leading business executives will share their experience of how they have navigated conflicts in business using public relations strategies that delivered results. The Industry panel will host a selection of expert public relations professionals practising in Africa and Europe.
Globally recognised for its distinctive approach to industry conversations, the Experiencing PR Conference continues to set the standard for promoting third-party validation of the practice of public relations. This distinction ensures that business leaders and public office holders attending the conference gain actionable insights and practical strategies from experienced professionals to enhance their businesses or organisations.
Emphasising this commitment, Tolulope said further that the Conference will provide “unique opportunities for attendees to learn from experienced business leaders who have successfully navigated different quiet wars. An international industry panel will explore new and progressive public relations and communication strategies. A fireside chat with a millennial who has strategically managed a public war will highlight the generational aspect of conflict resolution.”
During the 2024 Experiencing Public Relations Conference, Volume II of the Experiencing Public Relations Magazine will be launched, featuring expert articles from professionals globally. Experiencing Public Relations: 12 Women. 12 Countries – the second edition of the organisation’s book which will feature the unique perspective of 12 Nigerian women practising in 12 countries around the world will also be launched. These publications are the organisation’s contribution to the body of knowledge in the global public relations industry, while providing a credible platform for PR professionals to demonstrate capacity, competence and relevance amongst their global peers.
Delegates can register here: https://bit.ly/EPR2024_registration
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Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) on behalf of Nigerian Women in Public Relations.
About Nigerian Women in Public Relations
Nigerian Women in PR, established in 2019, is a social impact professional organisation set up to advocate for, and provide growth resources to, Nigerian women working as public relations and communications professionals across the world. Through our programs, initiatives and strategic partnerships, we provide a resource hub for learning and professional growth of our members; promote the continuous relevance of members as the Public Relations and Communications profession evolves; platform the RESULTS of Nigerian Women practising in the profession; and promote the understanding and value of the public relations profession.
About Experiencing PR Conference:
The Experiencing PR Annual Conference stands as a pivotal project, aligning with the objective—to promote the understanding and value of public relations. This business conference is open for men and women and expected delegates include public office holders, senior business executives and public relations professionals.
For media inquiries, partnership and sponsorship information, please contact:
Email: chat@ngwomeninpr.org
Mobile/Whatsapp: +234 902 249 6806
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